Needle To Body Main Housing (complete with screws)
For product: Prop Pal MK3 & Prop Pal Plus
Full Specs
Key Features
Needle To Body Main Housing
(complete with screws)
For product: Prop Pal MK3 & Prop Pal Plus
- Jacking Support System
- up to 1050kg Safe Working Load
- up to 600mm Wall Thickness Support
- 1800mm Length
Full Details
Q. Can you use Prop Pal Plus as a secure standard needle?
A. Yes. Remove the jacking screw plate shoe and lock acrow props securely at both ends.
Prop Pal in Action
Extra benefits of the Prop Pal system
• Manufactured in the UK!
• Only needle support in the building trade to include a jacking support system to provide extra stability and safety for temporary wall support.
• The jacking support can be adjusted to securely support the inner leaf wall whilst the acrow supports the external.
• Minimal disturbance to walls, ceiling and timber floors can be left intact.
• Greater access for inserting steel beams – Prop Pal needle length: 1200mm
• Dimensions of needle ensure that it will slide through an aperture (on a home property wall) the size of a metric size brick: 215 x 60mm
• Takes away the stress from hiding steel beams.
• Secure fastening to internal floors.
• Secure locking of props.
• Takes away the uncertainty from propping. No lateral force on builders props as weight is transferred along the Prop Pal needle down through standard builders props
• No lateral force on the props which can cause them to bend.
• Support cavity walls evenly and more securely due to its strength resulting in little or no deflection.
• You can also purchase Prop Pal Needle System extra plates to attach to the base of the jacking screw plate to slot a prop in giving builders an extra 100mm in space between props and saves time when wanting to use Prop Pal as a standard needle. You can still remove the jacking screw plate to slot props at both ends of the needle system if you want to. The versatility of Prop Pal: Using Prop Pal as a standard needle enables builders to support masonry and steel beams in a traditional manner as well as supporting walls above the floor chamber as originally designed for – In effect this gives builders a dual application for using Prop Pal.